$197.00 USD

11 monthly payments

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Ancient Feminine Initiation - Extended Payment Plan

We begin together on the Full Moon of May 23rd and work together for two Moon cycles.

Answer the call of the Goddess and step into your role as Priestess 

What we'll cover:

  • Week 1: You'll meet the Goddess. Not in words or stories - you'll make a direct energetic connection with her that you can access at any time throughout your life. You'll experience the expansiveness and power or her presence and how it shows up in your life.
  • Week 2: Energetic Protection. You are always energetically protected when working with me and you're going to learn exactly how to do this for yourself so you can safely navigate the energetic realm.
  • Week 3: Releasing Binding. You have thousands of years of conditioning binding and limitations placed on your power. You're going to release this control held over your energetic strength so that you can step into your full potential.
  • Week 4: Receiving with Clarity. You'll understand exactly where, how and in what state you need to be in when receiving energetic information. You'll begin to receive with more clarity by the end of this week.
  • Week 5: Understanding your power. Your abilities are unique to you and by the end of week 5 you'll know what your strengths, powers, and gifts are and how to develop them.
  • Week 6: Calling back your power. Now that you are safe, clear, and unbound by the patriarchal conditioning - it's time to call back the full magnitude of your power. I'm talking about influence the weather, communicate telepathically, let your energy change the physical world kind of power.
  • Week 7: Wielding your power with integrity. Now that you're fully in your power, know how to navigate the energetic realm and are protected and prepared - it's time to learn how to wield your power in a way that's aligned with your values.
  • Week 8: Receive your Anointment. We'll culminate by making the sacred vows to yourself, your truth, and your purpose as we work together to discover your path and step into your role as Priestess.

What you'll get:

  • 8 week small group program with She Who Walks With Women
  • Weekly deep-dive zoom calls to gain the skills needed to thrive as a Priestess
  • Weekly Q&A/hot seat coaching sessions to help you integrate the teachings and apply them to what's coming up in your Initiation experience
  • Weekly Guided Meditations/Energetic Activations to give you embodied experience in the tools, skills, and abilities needed on the Path of the Priestess
  • Private Telegram group chat where you're able to share your experiences, ask questions, connect in genuine sisterhood, and get direct feedback from She Who Walks With Women