You've always felt different
As a child you heard things, saw things, and knew things that others didn't understand
You were labeled wiser than your years, an old soul
You had vivid sometimes prophetic dreams
You felt a deep connection to nature, like you were truly yourself out among the trees, by the river, under the open sky
It felt like you could feel, understand, even communicate with animals and the birds would sing directly to you
Over time you learned to repress this side of yourself to fit in with the 'normal' people
You learned to fear your gifts
But now?
It's all coming back
Stronger than ever
Your energetic senses are becoming impossible to ignore
You're starting to listen to them, experiment with them, maybe even trust them
The signs, symbols, synchronicities are showing up everywhere
You're seeing repeating numbers
The weather is speaking directly to you
The Moon is stirring up some long forgotten knowledge
It doesn't all make sense yet but you know there's something bubbling beneath the surface
It feels like something big is just over the horizon for you
You can sense some hidden power stirring deep in the cave of your heart
But you don't know what to do with it all
You don't know what it means, how to access it, or why you of all people have to go through this
All the while, the signs keep getting louder
The symbols more in your face
The message more urgent
The universe is shouting it's time, it's time, it's time
Time for what, exactly??
Here's the answer:
It's time for you to step into your role as Priestess, Shaman, Wise Woman
Yes, you.
I know it's hard to believe you're worthy, that it's real, and that your gifts are needed
But these are the signs across all cultures that you're being called to this path in this lifetime
You're sensitive to energy
You have one foot in the physical and one foot in the ethereal
You can see beyond the veil
And although nobody told you this, you have the power to influence the energetic realm
And to use that ability to make ripples of change in the physical world
To assist in the healing of the Earth
And to shift the trajectory of human life at this critical turning point away from the path of destruction
Back towards balance, harmony, and light
The problem is, no one showed you how
In fact, the patriarchal system destroyed the initiation rites and the roadmap to your power
When your sensitivity, your gifts and the calling to this path first revealed itself...
You should have been taken in by the Wise Women in your community and taught what it means to walk this path, how to navigate it and develop your abilities, and why it's such an important role for you, for your community, and for the balance of the entire web of life
Instead, the 5,000 year long patriarchal campaign left you with fear, repression, confusion, overwhelm and no idea what to do with these seemingly random gifts
That's why I created the Ancient Feminine Initiation
Your roadmap to removing the binding placed on your power, uncovering your unique abilities, and stepping into your role as Priestess
The Goddess is activating her Priestesses to rise up at this critical turning point in life on Earth
It's time to receive the tools, skills, and abilities to step into your full power as Priestess and become a force of Light in the world
Hi, I'm Elizabeth
Also known as She Who Walks With Women
I'm here to initiate you into your power as Priestess so that together we can develop your unique gifts and abilities, heal the Earth, and shift the trajectory of human life at this critical turning point in our existence.
My energetic (re)awakening was brutal
It happened in 2004 when I was 15 years old
After years of repressing the abilities I had in childhood (prophetic dreams, visits from guides, animal communication to name a few)
My gifts came back in full force
I thought I was going crazy
I was embarrassed
I felt alone
And I was terrified someone would find out.
I kept resisting and running from what I now know was the calling to the path of the Priestess, Shaman, and Wise Woman
Here's the thing:
When you resist this calling, you'll get hit harder and harder until you finally wake up
Ask me how I know 😂
13 friends and family members died within 6 months
And I KNEW about every. single. one.
I either witnessed their soul leaving their body in a beautiful display of color
Or they visited as soon as they passed, before I had officially heard
Or I had visions before it happened, which made me so angry because it was never enough information and I had no control over the outcome anyway
I saw signs, symbols, synchronicities everywhere (before I had terminology for it)
None of it made sense
It made me so frustrated
But it was enough for me to finally accept that it was not all a big coincidence
I knew there was something true to it
I very hesitantly began to trust and explore it
And thus began my 12+ year long journey of trying to figure it out
Don't get me wrong: yes, I learned every lesson the hard way and there were very painful moments
But it wasn't all bad
I was also gifted with incredible, once in a lifetime teachers and experiences
The first teacher who found me was a Medicine Man
Then a Shaman elder
A psychic medium
World renowned yoga, meditation, and breathwork teachers
Even world class body builders (yes, I lifted weights as a teen) and royal family kung fu teachers who deepened my understanding of alignment and body, mind, energy connection
I learned life-changing skills for turning inward, understanding my experiences, and navigating the energetic realm
Every experience, both good and bad, seemed catered to my growth
But something was still missing.
I remember the moment I received my invitation to be initiated as Priestess of the Goddess
As I read each word, my heart started to race
My body started to tremble
I was terrified.
A bone deep sense of fear.
But I had been doing this work long enough to know that fear is often masking excitement.
So I followed that thread and accepted the invitation to travel to the Andes Mountains
That's where I met the Goddess
Not in words or wisdom or teachings
I met her alone on the Mountain
I met her energetically
And everything I had been through, learned, and wondered about suddenly made sense
She was the missing component
This long forgotten power of the Ancient Feminine
Buried deep in my cellular memory
Waiting for the moment it would awaken
I finally understood and accepted that I was being called to the path of the Priestess in this lifetime
For the last 8 years I've worked closely with the source of the Ancient Feminine, the Goddess
I've gone deep into the energetic remembrance of who She is
I've studied & developed my energetic abilities
And I'm here now to impart the fruits of this 20 year long journey to you
I'm here to give you the roadmap to your power and purpose as Priestess
I'm here to recreate the true Initiation Rites
And now, it's your turn to receive them
You're invited to receive
The Ancient Feminine Initiation
uncover your unique energetic abilities, step into your role as Priestess, and become a force of light & healing for the world around you
JOIN THE WAITLISTYou are a Torchbearer
A Harbinger of the Healed Earth
You sense that we're at a critical turning point in our lives as humans
We can either continue on this false patriarchal path of destruction, violence, and separation
Or we can step onto the healed path of harmony, balance, light, and unity
It's time for us to choose.
You feel a calling, deep within, to have a massive positive impact on the world
You know you have a role to play in ushering in our new reality - even though you don't know exactly what that role is or how to make it happen.
The signs, synchronicities, the intuitive messages you've been receiving have been getting louder, more in your face, and harder to deny
You sense an immense amount of power, purpose, and potential just beneath the surface - just out of reach
You can feel it when you look up to the moon, when you're alone in nature, and in the quiet moments right before you fall asleep at night
The Goddess is calling you to step into your role as Priestess
To step onto the path you chose to walk before incarnating in the lifetime
To answer the soul-level calling.
It's time for you to receive the Ancient Feminine Initiation and receive the tools, guidance, and support needed to step into the full magnitude of your power as Priestess
To reform your connection with the Great Goddess - the source of all energetic gifts and abilities
To create impenetrable protection around you and your loved ones so you can navigate the spirit realms safely
To release all attachments, conditioning, and binding that has been diminishing your energetic power and keeping you small, ashamed, and scared
To finally receive energetic messages with full clarity and context rather than just bits, pieces, and flashes of vague information
To call back the full magnitude of your power so your intention is not just a blip on the radar - it's a lightning strike of force
To understand your unique gifts, abilities, and powers and how to wield them in a way that's felt in both energetic and physical realms
To learn to use your power with integrity in a way that's aligned with your soul's truth and values, for the greatest good
To receive the blessing of the Great Mother herself and step onto your path as a fully initiated Priestess
These are the tools required for you to be able to safely and clearly navigate the energetic realms and have the powerful impact you know you're here to have.
This is the Initiation you should have received from the wise women in your community wen your gifts first revealed themselves.
This is the experience that will allow you to discover and begin the work you came here to do.
To become a Priestess of the Great Goddess herself
Are you being called to the path of the Priestess?
The surface level definition of Priestess is a woman who holds sacred rites, rituals, and ceremonies and is the spiritual leader of her community.
But what makes you a Priestess?
It's your sensitivity to energetic messages, your ability to navigate the energetic realm, and your power to influence the physical world through energy.
There are certain signs across all cultures that you're being called to the path of the Priestess, Shaman, or Lightworker.
These vary slightly but the underlying signs are:
- being sensitive to energy & the spirit realm. vivid/prophetic dreams, downloads, psychic senses, connection to nature and animals, intuition, empathic senses, among many other examples. often times these are stronger in childhood, repressed, and are now coming back in full force.
- curiosity about your experience. it's not just passing intuition for you. you can feel that there's something more and you're hungry to understand it. although it's confusing, overwhelming, and daunting at times it's also endlessly interesting, exciting, and purposeful.
- desire to live in tune with the Earth, help heal others, and be a force for good. you feel strongly that there's so much potential for good in the world. you can almost remember the Earth in her unspoiled state. you intuitively know that we need to start making shifts back into alignment with nature. and it feels like you have something big to contribute to that cause (yes, it's hidden there under the self-doubt)
- you've seen some sh*t. whether in this life or a past life you've been through some stuff. you've probably survived things that others wouldn't have made it through. you've been to the underworld once or twice and came back stronger, wiser, and more passionate. your experiences don't weigh you down - they catapult you into growth. now you're as comfortable in the dark as you are in the light.
Is the Ancient Feminine Initiation right for you?
This initiation is not like any other you've seen
The Ancient Feminine Initiation will not teach a certain lineage, culture, or tradition
It will illuminate your own path, truth, and purpose
This initiation will not teach you ceremonies, rituals, spells, or incantations
It will give you the energetic skills, power, and abilities to perform any ritual in any lineage
This initiation will not teach you the different names, faces, or signs of the Goddess
It will give you a direct energetic connection and relationship with Her, the source of the Ancient Feminine power
This initiation will not provide you with indoctrination, rules, or tenets
You will learn to walk your own path with integrity, clarity and confidence
The Ancient Feminine Initiation is...
8 weeks of direct guidance and support from me in a small group setting.
You'll receive every skill you need to understand and develop your energetic abilities, navigate the energetic realm clearly and safely, and use your power to make massive, aligned impact in the world around you.
What we'll cover:
Week 1: Meet the Goddess. Not in words or stories - you'll make a direct energetic connection with her that you can access at any time throughout your life. You'll experience the expansiveness and power or her presence and how it shows up in your life.
Week 2: Energetic Protection. You are always energetically protected when working with me and you're going to learn exactly how to do this for yourself so you can safely navigate the energetic realm.
Week 3: Releasing Binding. You have thousands of years of conditioning binding and limitations placed on your power. You're going to release this control held over your energetic strength so that you can step into your full potential.
Week 4: Receiving with Clarity. You'll understand exactly where, how and in what state you need to be in when receiving energetic information. You'll begin to receive with more clarity by the end of this week.
Week 5: Calling back your power. Now that you are safe, clear, and unbound by the patriarchal conditioning - it's time to call back the full magnitude of your power. I'm talking about influence the weather, communicate telepathically, let your energy change the physical world kind of power.
Week 6: Understanding your power. Your abilities are unique to you and by the end of week 6 you'll know what your strengths, powers, and gifts are and how to develop them.
Week 7: Wielding your power with integrity. Now that you're fully in your power, know how to navigate the energetic realm and are protected and prepared - it's time to learn how to wield your power in a way that's aligned with your values.
Week 8: Receive your Anointment. We'll culminate by making the sacred vows to yourself, your truth, and your purpose as we work together to discover your path and step into your role as Priestess.
How it works:
We're building the energetic foundation that will carry you through every phase of your growth into the powerful Priestess you came into this lifetime to be
This is done through:
1. Weekly deep dive calls that explore the specific skills, tools, and abilities you need to navigate the energetic realm, develop your gifts, and step into the role of Priestess
2. Weekly group q&a sessions where you bring everything that's coming up and we get to the root of it together with personalized guidance, clarification, and support
3. Private community of your fellow Priestess initiates where you finally feel seen, heard, and held for exactly who you are
4. Guided meditations & energetic activations to give you embodied experience in the skills needed to thrive as a Priestess. This is where we learn to make the shifts happening in the energetic realm real, tangible, and lasting.
The Ancient Feminine Initiation is currently sold out.
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