You've successfully registered for free access to Sit With The Goddess - details are headed to your inbox right now.

You're invited to follow along as I prepare my body, mind, and energy for holding the frequency of the Goddess.

The energy of the Goddess is massive, all-encompassing, and powerful beyond comprehension.

It took me 12 years of intense training to be invited to receive my initiation as Priestess and another 8 years to be ready to step into the role of High Priestess.

As I prepare to call upon her essence on April 5th, I'm offering you the opportunity to join me and raise your own frequency in preparation for clear communication with Her.

What you'll get:

  • access to a private Telegram channel where I'll share exactly what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and how you can incorporate the practice in your own life
  • live (and recorded) zoom calls every Sunday @ 11am Eastern now through the 5th of April where we'll go deep into raising your frequency and preparing to meet the Goddess
  • a bonus integration call on Monday 4/6 for q & a and guidance on your experience with the Goddess

This purchase is not required for the April 5th - Sit With The Goddess - experience but it will greatly enhance it and give you powerful tools for navigating your spiritual awakening journey.

Telegram is required for this program. It's an easy to use messaging app that allows us to connect without sharing personal information. All you need to do is download the app (or access from the web), set up an account, and join using the private link I send after purchase.

No refund - all sales final.

What Others Are Saying:

Can I just say that it is truly nice having a teacher who is ACTUALLY listening, and answering questions in a way that makes sense and is helping to better understand our gifts. I know each person has their strengths and weaknesses , and different styles of teaching, but NONE of the ones I’ve had have explained things so thoroughly. So thank you for your guidance.🙏🏽 I feel way less lost, confused, and stuck in my spiritual progress.


I've heard this concept explained by so many teachers over the last few years but it NEVER made sense like the way Elizabeth just explained it. Thank you!


$33.00 USD